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Monday, 15 August 2011

Introduction to Data Structure

Data structure
Data : It is a collection of interrelated information or we can say data is a collection of same type of information.
Data type: Data type can be defined as the domain of data and the primitive operation that can be performed on that data.
ADT (Abstract data type):  It can be defined as the collection(domain) of different data types and the set of primitive operation that will be performed on those data types called ADT.
         The internal representation of the ADT is hidden from the user of the data type i.e    how the    
actual implementation has done is hidden from the user of that data type.

Rational Numbers:

Here also we have two different types of implementations to describe Rational numbers one is holding directly  ‘a/b’  in a data type and other is using  ‘a’ ‘b’ two different data types to describes  a/b’ and there are some operations which can be performed, hence it is an ADT.

Definition of Data Structure: Data Structure is an implementation of ADT using any      
                                                                                  programming language.

Note*: Data types are also ADT but it is a primitive ADT which is pre-implemented in a specific language.


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