Percentage System
When we start finding percentage between two numbers,(ex. 112675/23654) one of the most difficulty we encounter is to find the common divisor of both the numbers, here I am presenting a simple solution of this problem.
Suppose you have given a problem that find how much percentage of 2468 is 7468 then the conventional method says that (2468/7468)*100 will give the answer. It seems to be a easy one if you have calculator but if you are not with calculator then it will be hard one, so here question is that
how can we solve this??
how can we solve this??
TO solve such types of problems we have to first understand the basic of percentage systems. I am giving you a list of different numbers.
" 1/2 = 50% 1/3 = 33.33% 1/4 = 25% 1/5 = 20% 1/11 = 9.09% " here we can easily understand the logic behind these substitutions we can say 1/2 as 50 % and so on.
NOTE: If you can remember or understand these substitution you are done. IT means you can find almost percentage between any two numbers.
from these substitution you can find any percentage now take a look at this table.
½ = 50%
1/3 =
¼ = 25%
1/5 = 20%
1/ 11= 9.09%
1/9 =
here you can see that all the values which are given are the derivations of the basic percentage system so if the basics are understood no matter whether the problem is big or small.
Circle of SEVEN: IF a number is not completely divisible by seven then it must form a recurring cycle of given numbers after decimals and these numbers are 1 - 4 - 2 - 8 - 5 - 7.
Circle of SEVEN: IF a number is not completely divisible by seven then it must form a recurring cycle of given numbers after decimals and these numbers are 1 - 4 - 2 - 8 - 5 - 7.
EX. 22/7 = 3.142857,142857 , 1/7 = 0.142857,142857 , 37/7 = 5.2857,142857,142857
hence in the process of finding percentage where base is 7 or multiple of 7 we can easily use the cycle of 7.
now using this we can create a more complex tool kit for finding the percentage between two numbers as the given problem was.
Numbers with base
20: k/20 we can write this as (k/20)*(5/5) hence it gives that k is (K*5) %
of 20.
25: k/25 then k will be (K*4)% of 25
30: k/30 then we can write this as (k/30)*(3/3) hence it gives that k is ~(almost) (k*3)% of 30. this approx result is very helpful in aptitude papers where you have to choose between different alternatives.
33: k/33 ~ (k*3)% of k
35: k/35 = (k/35)*(2/2) i.e (k*2)/70 from this we can find percentage using the circle of seven easily
45: k/45 ~ (k*2)% of 45
50: k/50 = (k*2)% of 50
60: k/60 = k/(2*30) is (1/2)*(k/30) from the tool kit of 30 we can find it easily
66: k/66 = k/(6*11) i.e k is ((1/6)*9.09) = 1.5 i.e (k+k/2)% of 66
70: k/70 using circle of 7
75: k/75 i.e (k+k/3)% of 75
you can expand this tool kit according to your need..
now we will find the answer of the above question using this tool kit.
Q: 2468/7468 = 25/75 we have approximated this numbers in two digits and this gives 33.33%(approx) and the real answer is 33.069%
Q: 3789/6019 = 37.89/60.19 = 38/60 we have approximated this numbers in two digits and this gives 63.33% (approx) and the real ans is 62.93%
from this we have seen that we can easily find the percentage of any two numbers..
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