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Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Google redirects your blogger url form .com to .in may be bad for you

A Change in Google blogger domain from .com   to .in

May be this seem a bad news for us but Google has changed its domain for their free blogger blog domains form .com to country code top-level domain (ccTLD) that is if you are from India your Blogspot url will change from to just like my blog url has been changed like this. to
this may harm your Google page rank because the back-links you have generated in last few years using '' will not be used as before and it may decrease your page ranking. This change is not only for India but also for the rest of the world. As I have read after googling it will be helpful for checking duplicates content on different pages. So if you are a blogger user be ready to accept this change. One possible solution is what i get may help you in securing your page rank.


Open your Blogger template. Edit HTML button and copy-paste the following code anywhere between the <head> and </head> tags.

1. <link expr:href="data:blog.url" rel="canonical"/>

The above code is valid for the XML version of Blogger templates but if you are still using the Classic templates, the code you should use is little different 

1. <ItemPage><Blogger>

 2. <link href="<$BlogItemPermalinkURL$>" rel="canonical"/>

3. </Blogger></ItemPage>

just use this between your <head>  and </head> tag

With this canonical tag, the search engine thinks the page as address even they get our blog as address.

I hope this solution may help us to secure our page rank and hope blogger come up with a good solution.

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Hidden Easter Egg from

Easter Egg From ANDROID

After lots of Easter Egg by Google now there is new and very cool Easter Egg from ANDROID. This Easter Egg is nothing but a game hidden in, just go to and click on the lowest logo of ANDROID and then a game will start in which you have to hit the snowman for three times, and if you do this you will be awarded with a medal on that logo. So Easter Egg lovers start playing

This picture is when the game will start

and you will be awarded like this when you hit snowman three times..

so play the new game and enjoy...

Saturday, 7 January 2012

New website for booking rail tickets using Mobile Phone by IRCTC

New news for all of IRCTC lovers who generally book ticket online. From now you can book your rail tickets using the IRCTC online ticket booking service from your Mobile Phones. So you don't need any computer to get a ticket just login to using your credentials of Since i am a user of IRCTC so I got the mail related to this newly launched mobile website, here is the picture of that mail which i got.

With the launch of this mobile booking system we are got to get lots of convenience, specially if we are travelling and want to book a ticket we just need a mobile GPRS enabled handset. This mobile booking  system works also for low range handsets.
So from now if you need a rail ticket no need of Turn on you computer just start using your mobile phone...

Friday, 6 January 2012

Qwiki an interactive way of learning in internet

As the technology is changing and improving we are getting used to new ways of using internet. In September 4, 1998 we got Google which has changed the way of using internet, now a days every one use Google for their different need. In January 15, 2001 we got Wikipedia as the source of information of everything again a great breakthrough came in February 4, 2004 in the form of Facebook in which 600 million active users upload share and chat everyday. But recently an app from which I encountered is also going to give a great breakthrough in the terms of learning through in Internet and that web app is Qwiki.
which is launched in January 24, 2011, and spreading as a viral information gathering website
"Qwiki's goal is to forever improve the way people experience information."
as written as the mission of Qwiki.
Qwiki presents information in the form of videos and which can be embedded into a webpage. Here i am giving you an example.
            View Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and over 3,000,000 other topics on Qwiki.

Here its Beta version is based on the HTML 5 player which is not working efficiently, So if you want to gather information go to Qwiki and get information in newest interactive way.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Try YouTube Slam to rate videos

All of us use YouTube to watch videos, But recently YouTube has launched YouTube Slam to rate videos by their users and to select a winner in their categories and give a place to those videos in the Leaderboards. This YouTube slam is divided into four categories

1. Bizarre Slam
2. Music Slam
3. Comedy Slam
4. Cute slam

So watch two videos and give your vote to any one of them which you like and share it on social networking sites.
To start YouTube Slam go to and start voting for your favourite videos.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Personalized ads using Google ad preferences manager

If you use Google (now a days every one do) to search any thing related to your need, whether it may be for educational purpose or for search a movie or any thing else, you must have seen lots of ads on the websites in which you go and on the search result page. Generally these ads are based upon the content of that page. These ads are sponsored by those companies or websites who wants to increase their customers or their website traffic (number of persons who comes on their pages daily). Some time these ads are not really relevant to us as they offer something which we don't want.
Google ads preferences manager allows us to improve our ads experiences using ads preferences manager by using this we can personalized our ads experiences.
How this works:  Google ads preferences manager allows us to store our ad categories using cookie in our browsers so whenever you go to any web page which is enhanced by Google AdSense these cookies shows you only those ads which you wanted.
So using this Google ads preferences manager you can improve your ad experiences and at the same you wont get bored by irrelevant ads which you don't wanted.
It also offers you some a facility known as Opt Out which disables your ads preferences and shows you ad based upon the web page owners choices.
It is important to tell you that Google wont store your personal information if you start using Google ads preferences manager.
This is a video to understand more about Google ads preferences manager.


if you want to use Google ads preferences manager then go to
and adjust your settings.

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Great app for Application Developer to draw a flow chart

Recently in search of flow chart designer app for my final year project in my college i met with a great chrome app from chrome web store named as Lucid chart. This app helps not only drawing a flow chart but also it can help in developing designs for BPMN, Cisco network icons, Data flow, Entity relationship, Geometric shapes and much more. Take a look at this pic and decide do you want to draw a flow chart or any thing else.

so if you want to design flow chart using free tools available in the internet and at the same time wana share with your friends this is one of the best tool you can use, so if you want to use lucid chart using chrome apps search Lucid chart in chrome. There are some pricing schemes to use this app but you can use it as free by making your self as penny-pincher. 

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