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Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Personalized ads using Google ad preferences manager

If you use Google (now a days every one do) to search any thing related to your need, whether it may be for educational purpose or for search a movie or any thing else, you must have seen lots of ads on the websites in which you go and on the search result page. Generally these ads are based upon the content of that page. These ads are sponsored by those companies or websites who wants to increase their customers or their website traffic (number of persons who comes on their pages daily). Some time these ads are not really relevant to us as they offer something which we don't want.
Google ads preferences manager allows us to improve our ads experiences using ads preferences manager by using this we can personalized our ads experiences.
How this works:  Google ads preferences manager allows us to store our ad categories using cookie in our browsers so whenever you go to any web page which is enhanced by Google AdSense these cookies shows you only those ads which you wanted.
So using this Google ads preferences manager you can improve your ad experiences and at the same you wont get bored by irrelevant ads which you don't wanted.
It also offers you some a facility known as Opt Out which disables your ads preferences and shows you ad based upon the web page owners choices.
It is important to tell you that Google wont store your personal information if you start using Google ads preferences manager.
This is a video to understand more about Google ads preferences manager.


if you want to use Google ads preferences manager then go to
and adjust your settings.


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