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Friday, 23 September 2011

The Tower of Hanoi (interesting fact)

THE Tower Of Hanoi

According to legend, there is a set of 64 gold disks on 3 diamond needles, called the Tower of Brahma. Legend reports that the Universe will end when the task is completed. (Edouard Lucas, R ́cr ́ations e e Math ́matiques, Vol. 3, pp 55–59, Gauthier-Villars,eParis, 1893.)

How many moves will it need? If done correctly,
T (64) = 2^64 − 1 = 1.84 × 10^19 moves. At one move
per second, that’s
= 1.84 × 10^19 seconds
= 3.07 × 10^17 minutes
= 5.12 × 10^15 hours
= 2.14 × 10^14 days
= 5.85 × 10^11 years

Current age of Universe is ≈ 10^10 years  


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